Sunday, December 28, 2014

My pregnancy symptoms: Week 9-12

Not much changed during these weeks. I was still really tired, but not as exhausted as I was in the beginning.

I also started getting nauseous when I didn't eat every 2-3 hours. Still no morning sickness though.
The whole food aversions situation started happening. Usually I have a cup of coffee in the morning, but even before I found out I was pregnant I just had no desire to drink it.

Normally we eat chicken all the time, since being pregnant I can't stand the thought of it. And I've never been a big meat eater, but all this baby wants is meat right now. The first few weeks were all about the cheeseburger. Luckily, I've gotten over that phase and also have more energy now to work out!

I definitely want to keep in shape during my pregnancy so it's easier once the baby is born to get my body back. I will not be using the excuse, "I'm eating for two!" Although I will treat myself every so often to cravings.

Oh also around week 10 my boobs weren't as sore.

I think that was about it for those weeks. Nothing too crazy...oh but my dreams have been! I've been having the weirdest and most vivid dreams.

Oh and my hormones! I used to cry over sad scenes in movies or I cry when it's not even really that sad? My husband and I just laugh about it because he always knows the moment I'm about to get teary eyed. And these hormones are causing me to be all stuffed up, which sucks..but hey, no morning sickness, so I'll take it!

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