Monday, January 19, 2015

My Pregnancy symptoms: Week 13-16

So here's my symptoms during the second trimester. ( still no morning sickness) 
Also note: food aversions and nausea are gone! Yayy!

-Had heartburn a few times early on but haven't had it recently. My doctor gave me a prescription for some medication but I never used it. I found Tums worked just fine.

-Headaches also early on but none recently. And thank God because they were painful!

-Stuffy/bloody nose. I pretty much had it since the beginning but it's gotten worse in the 2nd tri.

- Dry belly! I know it's due to my belly growing and stretching. Luckily no stretch marks yet. (Knock on wood)

- Breakouts. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but I've had random breakouts all over my face since the beginning. Luckily they only happen every so often. It's like being a teen again!

- Just recently my belly has popped now that I'm 17 weeks. And for a couple days I had an annoying pain at the front of my right pelvis. Didn't hurt while sitting, just when I was walking around. It felt like I pulled a muscle. But I've been reassured it's just everything growing and moving around in there.

- I think that's it. Can't really complain. I still have my tired days but for the most part my energy is back. 

Oh, and sleeping sucks! I think I'm going to get myself the snoogle pillow. I heard it's amazing!

And 3 weeks until we find out the gender!! Yayy!!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pregnancy Apps for the Iphone

Hello ladies!

I thought I would just make a quick post today listing the pregnancy apps I've been using. If you have any good ones that aren't on here, please let me know. I'm always looking for a good app!

So of course #1 I have the What to Expect app. Probably my favorite app. I really like the community, as I'm part of the June group. It's nice to chat with other moms experiencing the same thing. (FREE APP)

I also really liked the Pregnancy + app, but once you get past 14 weeks you have to pay for it. Which I didn't, so I have limited information now, which kinda sucks. (FREE APP UNTIL WEEK 14)

Next, is also another popular one and it's the bump app. I really like this one too. They also have a community. (FREE APP)

Babycenter is another one, kinda similar to the bump. (FREE APP)

OviaPregnancy - I really like this one. Lots of good info and articles. Also they have an instagram for baby pics which is super cute. (FREE APP)

Sprout which is pretty cool. Tells you what's new each week. I think I just have the free 14 days trial though. (FREE for 14 days)

Babybump- I'd say gets used the least. Maybe I just haven't explored enough on it, but I don't find there's much info. (FREE APP)

And that's all I got! I also get the fitpregnancy magazine on my ipad. Sorry this is so short, but I am starvingggg! xo

Friday, January 2, 2015

Pregnancy cravings

This has been mine recently.

I've been using the Epicure recipe and it's delicious!