Monday, January 19, 2015

My Pregnancy symptoms: Week 13-16

So here's my symptoms during the second trimester. ( still no morning sickness) 
Also note: food aversions and nausea are gone! Yayy!

-Had heartburn a few times early on but haven't had it recently. My doctor gave me a prescription for some medication but I never used it. I found Tums worked just fine.

-Headaches also early on but none recently. And thank God because they were painful!

-Stuffy/bloody nose. I pretty much had it since the beginning but it's gotten worse in the 2nd tri.

- Dry belly! I know it's due to my belly growing and stretching. Luckily no stretch marks yet. (Knock on wood)

- Breakouts. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but I've had random breakouts all over my face since the beginning. Luckily they only happen every so often. It's like being a teen again!

- Just recently my belly has popped now that I'm 17 weeks. And for a couple days I had an annoying pain at the front of my right pelvis. Didn't hurt while sitting, just when I was walking around. It felt like I pulled a muscle. But I've been reassured it's just everything growing and moving around in there.

- I think that's it. Can't really complain. I still have my tired days but for the most part my energy is back. 

Oh, and sleeping sucks! I think I'm going to get myself the snoogle pillow. I heard it's amazing!

And 3 weeks until we find out the gender!! Yayy!!


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